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Thursday, February 19, 2015
The roots of Evil?
Well, you have to research things she is saying and not taking them all for truth. Sometime Leuren seems to me a bit confused. Especially she cannot really distinguish between what she calls Civilisation and Indigeneous Lifestyle. I really oppose that foolishness that Europeans tribes were living in Stoneage since these self called Royals infiltrated themselves into Europe: they brought us nothing than terror, in fact the word "Civilisation" means nothing different than living without morals and spirituality, instead with Religions (Legions of Terror). European tribes had been living Indigeneous Lifestyles and were not in the Stoneage but in Harmony with their Natural Environment and non-hierarchical structured. But our indigenous people got befallen from these rats which she is describing, herself somehow even intertwined to, and they brought the sickness our ancestors had to suffer and to fight as best as possible by the time-s: the Catholics and all of their shapeshifting new religions, which they used to implant new wars and unrest for the people. They fought like shit our ancestoral women, who had been called "whitches" by these raping rats and so fort because they rejected the Roman rats. But nevertheless Loren is getting the lines somehow correct. She also gets it right that the WW were used to kill off as much as Prussians and Russians, essentially tribes with the same roots: the Germans and Russians. I am always telling this here: While we are getting bombardet with the Jewish holocaust, that very holocaust happened indeed for the Japanese, the Russians and Germans, about 55 Millions of our ancestors got raped, tortured and killed in all these wars ... but we feel sad about the Jewish Holocaust? Something wrong with that picture? Well, I am not at all an enemy of the Jewish, in fact I do not even have such religious vieuw on human people: I only see either humans or non-humans. It is not human to rape, torture and exterminate just to do so. I assume these non-human behaving folks which can hide under any religious or national or ideologic flag as utterly sick, who had been fallen for the demons(djinns, reptiles or however you might call them interdimensional hiding beings) and embraced them into existance by all of their religious cults. They are building orders but not human orders. Human orders are those of tribes just like trees and do not know the Pyra-mids of snakes ... till they come like a cancer over people. But Leuren is struggling somehow to get through the shit and she is providing here some well informations, especially also concerning the ongoing infectious war in the Ukraine.