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Saturday, June 28, 2014

Circumcision, I told you so

I am happy to have find this video. You remember that I was working here out how ancient "GenderMaintreamin" had simply been, castration of the wildest men and general cicumcision of men and women, who from that traumatisation would not recover in life and getting unable to think and work for themselves. Happy that this Men from Suisse is on the same discovering path .. Folks you have to check it out. In ancient times they were de-masculating Mankinds men brutally, meanwhile they got "Science" to work for them: they are spoiling men and women with poisoning foods which are influencing the hormons: testesteron and so fort, which are responsible for the natural functionality of the Genders. We shall not understand, what it is going on and think after their constant propaganda of Feminism, Homosexuality and Transgenderism in all Mainstream Media, that people actually choose that shit and do not get forced-fed into desempowering Beings just like the Pharaohs used to force-fed their sperms in women by their "right for the first night" Prima Noctis