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Saturday, October 11, 2014

Do not mix up the pawn with its rider

Parasites die if they have no more hosts, so even if they are having the need to get rid of much of hosts because the hosts are getting finally ready to get them out of their system, they still need hosts, don`t they? So, we can expect some infights, shouldn`t we? You understand what infights are? If you have a specific parasite specie, let us call them just Vampires, they get a problem if they get too much relatively to their foodsource. So they might love to sacrifice some of them own. That it is what we call infights. So, may be we should not really wonder, if all by a sudden that parasite branch called ISRAEL just gets sacrificed. Of course the headquarter has moved his ash already out and in and did it somehow? Now, we have been learning already that Jewish are not the Biblical mentioned ISRAELITES. They don`t mind that you know it. At least the Zionists don`t mind that. Or do we just think that? We really do not know, if Judaism is a faith or being a member of a specific bloodline. There are those who claim to be the real Jewish and meanwhile many Black Americans also claim to be the real Jewish and not those who claim to be Jewish but are not. Wow, could that be true? Of course, at least a bit, since it is not true, that the Barbareans in Europe were out of mind allthough we get constantly fed with the idea that we all originated from the African People. And that claimed, the Elite has not any problems to now save Timbuktues heritage as own ..or who are the owners of the Fordfoundation Sorry folks. I am claiming to be a very well observer. And even my big hero was a black man, I claim that I am not and do not originate from Africa as well but from European ancestors. Peter by the way makes it clear like me: as long as you are a black man you are an African. But I don`t think that he would have opposed any white folks who were born in Africa to be native Africans. Can we oppose black Americans to be native to America? Do you get a grisp of how these topics are mixing our heads until we get headache? May be that it is the goal of all the revealations which are offered in the Internet these days? Confusions. Some people even feel certain that they originate from other planets. But back to my observations: While I was living in Gambia, I used to study faces and bodies. Of course I did. I was surrounded from people of all kind of tribes, black tribes and white tribes and yellow tribes ... only the red tribes were missing for reasons we do not need to put on the table all the time. If we wonna feel guilty for all the evil mankind ever went for we can`t even live. While doing my observing sports as if I was the allseeing eye by myself I clearly could find out: I have not only a different colour than black and yellow people but also many other differences. STOP. I did not say I am more beautiful, did I? Can`t you even think about that topic without judgements of such kind called rac-ism. There is a difference between rac-ism, which is an ideology to up- or degrade a human caused by race. But to study a race or to compare races is just like watching fishes. Do they also all originate straight from Egypt or Timbuktu? That it is simply ridiculeous. What about the trees? I know, the provider of black racism would tell me something: You, Evil women, you cannot stand to originate from a black man because you are looking down to us.I am sorry but I cannot help such minded people. May they estimate themselves and so do I. Let us have a look again, what this white man states. What again did he say? Exactly, he said that human civilisation started in Africa. That it is quiet another term than the term evolution, isn`t it? Civilisation is associated with Agriculture and Slavery and we are still looking forward to a proper explanatiion how this shit came about and never ended till these days, when we shall get multiculturized under Jewish Command, according to the new Queen, who is currently residing in Sweden. How does that fit with the surprizing idea of Sweden to recognize Palestine? May be I shoud feel happy about that, and of course I am happy if Palestine gets accepted and not any more used as a source of human organs. But I tend to be a bit sceptical. Remember: Dialectic always needs at least 2 opposing sites of the same coin to bring about the wanted solution. So who is the pawn and who is the master? The pawn is the one who tells you the thesis, another pawn is the one who tells you the antithesis. Of course things can get made more complicated by the use of 3 angles. If you see angles as different sites around a specific space you get the sense of militairy strategies, don`t you? Of course you can make things more complicated. So, you got the idea, didn`t you? But of course the 4 Angles or more could also be used in a different way. If you cannot beat them join them. You can also express that with Uther Pen Dragon: Inbreeding, so to speak. Uther= Uterus, Pen=Penis and Dragon like the Imposter. So many dots but what? Agriculture, I assume, had not been the best invention for mankind. I don`t know about you but I still feel the wilderness in my veins, or shall I say: the loss of that lifestyle? There are even such therapies for youngsters who got out of the "line" meaning got either aggressive or depressive due to the so called modern ways of life, now even the ways of industrialisation. They are simply missing the wilderness. The beauty of Mother Earth. Isn`t it somehow clear that we all got pawns of a way which was never meant to be our ways? Some got that wex with working the grounds that they preferred to find slaves to do that for them. Is farming the root of all Evil? They grew out to get the biggest pawns. Priests, who went for human sacrifices for the Gods ... those who might have introduced that for mankind. If these guys lusted after mankind`s women, imagine .... and ask yourself why every war end up with rape.