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Monday, October 20, 2014

His Story or Y-our Story?

We got very used to simple answers, let us say to simple programs. We got consumers of what different forces used to tell us. They called it history and didn`t even lie that much. They did not say that they are telling your story, did they? If we are that good believers, what then we are expecting than histories? I love the words from that guy I have linked you on the right hemisphere of this blogbrain: How do you know that the Earth is round and filled with 7 Billion People? If you did not cross the whole Globe by your own you just rely on others who did not travel the tour neither: The Globe is round. In former times they believed it wasn`t and if you did not believe that as given: You would have seen the hell in hellfire the Priests would have burnt for you. In the very same way they, these days they prefer to call themselves scientests, will give you some hellfire, if you question that the Globe has a shape of an apple. But: you simply do not know that story either. Or have you got travelled to the Moon or wherever far from Mother Earth? There is only that way to see how she really looks like. They say she looks like that but how do you know that it is true?
  Rotating earth (large) Nasa told you so? History or which story? Now we are holograms, are we? For real, I do not even understand (from within) what that could be. Really, some words are too big or too artificial for me, too leftbrained, so to speak. Hologram sounds like I would be a piece of pixels or something like that. Really, I prefer to be made from blood and flesh allthough I might be a hologram. I am pretty much an Earthling, may be I am one of those whith much of Neanderthal Genes, who knows. I won`t deliver any scientest my DNA to tell me history who my ancestors would have been. These folks are telling all the while new stories. I feel free to tell myself mystory. In my first school they were telling us about the iceage and that people were killing animals with stones. Of course these stories were interesting but true? This story I found about the probably original people of the Americas. And this story I found again about relatives from the so called Aboriginals .
And these people look to me pretty much like Neanderthals are described, at least since recently.. With other words I do not think that the human race had been originally that aggressive but a much more loving and enjoying specie than it is today. We got screwed up meanwhile. Why are they calling the Natives from Australia Aboriginals? Who then were the Originals? Do you know that ab is German and means coming from? I used to wonder why the Neanderthals should have suddenly disappeared and the Modern Man came out of Africa HisStory began. Did that happen in the same way like this? . Aren`t these and these things somehow related? What it is ongoing in these days, couldn`t such thing not have been going on in so called hisStories?  Are the real humans the Originals of the Aboriginals and all the races lateron got genetically modified? However, Skulls and Bones can be imitated but the Pyramids? We still can`t do it. I wonder how John Lash and 2 others, can just go over this question by declaration: humans build them. Even their very topic should lead them not to dismiss that what could be the real cause of that very question if the intraspecies predator is in fact what is called Giants, Lord Gods or Nephilim. It does not really make sense that so many humans are that cowered against just some few Psychopaths like about 4 percent of the people. On the other hand: if you would meet a giant human could that make you to act in his order somehow psychopathic? I guess this could well have happened. I love to stick on facts. I never saw a Giant but the fact of the matter is: humans cannot build Pyramids like those which are built. I mentioned this here already, especially African Black people would do everything but not build such Monuments if not so for other reasons but at least not for that simple reason: too hot weather. Another fact is: which human and even the most evil humans like Rockefeller and Co would fuck up the climate with Chemtrails? This does not really make sense. But genitical modifications and the presence of their designers could be the cause for all the human alienisations which took place. Even with a closed third eye it is not so pretty difficult to see how deeply many white Europeans/American and yellow Aseans suffer the alienisation they went through. Something within us was killed together with the Originals of the Aboriginals. One must only observe how indigenous people are dancing and how difficult this got for the so called white and yellow people. Even black Africans look stuck and artificial compared with the Aboriginals. Indigineous people can move very smart and organic but most modern people lost that ability and move much more robotic, somehow out of inner connection to their nature as humans. Can you see that? So, probably we should consider things Michael Tsarion is talking about. 
I do not think that all originals are gone, at least not all ab-originals. And I know that in many of us the original and aboriginal genes are coming through because we are missing ourselves so deeply. People are even paying much of money to get a bit out of the original sense of so called native life, allthough they have lost those lives as well.