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Wednesday, October 29, 2014

If it were your child ...

Mankind will never face kindness if too much of us Mankind go on to accept the inacceptable in the Monkeystyle: I don`t mind anyones suffernis .... continue that way and look where it will lead us. Do you know how it weakens Mankind? Whenever you refuse any other human your kindness and care you built up what you call Evil Reverse the word and you see Live .... But Man-un-Kind went another route and overhanded the selfmade EVIL to the selfmade GODS and their priests. They are still waiting for their Savior promised by the GOD-s and their priests. It does not matter how these GOD-s are calling themselves and their Priests, it would matter if you and you start to be Mankind. Some people, who call themselves awaken and whatsoever, only love dead Mankind-People. That seems to proof their case: let us keep positive and whatever other excuses we find to not interfere in anyhow to the Evil which is growing like a cancer. Here they can get an overviewabout the works of one of them Mankind-people before he got killed. In all countries we are facing the kidnapping of many children, not only in the US. After WWII parents in Germany were for some reason pretty much aware about the Youthdepartments as well as about any other kind of possible childabuse and childkidnapping. They even appeared somehow paranoia that careful they warned us children over and over. Why was that? My Mother, not a political interested person, knew about the connection of Hitler with the so called Royalties in UK/EU, and if she knew, all our parents somehow knew. Meanwhile we are facing sexual "education" for even little children from the age of 4, promoted by the Greens and implemented in the Kindergarden and Schoolsystems. The children get abused with all kind of sexual shit. And none of their parents can take care on that because they are both working, if not divorced. We also face the Genderism tool and not accepted but promoted Homosexuality and Transgenderism. Get me right: If adult humans are choosing to live homosexual, that it is not anyones business. And many of them are nice people. I don`t even think that we would find the Evil people among the Homosexual diaspora. We find the child abusers among the higher ranges. So, please don`t get fooled again. It is just like with the Jewish. Jewish and ISRAEL-Forces are not the same thing. But those who are torturing and killing humans follow that style to mix themselves into Minority Groups or HumanRightGroups or such things on who they could lead the anger of humans, in case, at any time. They are working international and like a hydra, call it Dragon.